Press Release|Insurance

KBRA Affirms Ratings for Tower Hill Insurance Group; Changes Outlook for Tower Hill Prime Insurance Company to Negative

14 Jun 2024   |   New York


KBRA affirms the A- insurance financial strength rating (IFSR) for Tower Hill Prime Insurance Company (THP), the BBB+ IFSR for Tower Hill Insurance Exchange (THIE), and the BB+ long term credit rating (LTCR) for the $200 Million Senior Surplus Notes issued by THIE. KBRA assigns a LTCR of BB+ to the additional $95 Million Senior Surplus Notes issued by THIE in May 2024. The outlook for THP has been changed to Negative from Stable. The outlooks for all other ratings is Stable.

The change in outlook to Negative from Stable for THP reflects the deterioration in overall and risk-adjusted capitalization driven by underwriting losses in the last four years. Although KBRA recognizes the potential improvement in operating performance from exiting the Florida personal lines business, the partnership with an E&S carrier to write its commercial business, and other underwriting actions, the benefits of these actions need to materialize in improved financial metrics over the next 12 to 24 months.

The ratings reflect the companies' experienced management team, adequate catastrophe reinsurance, declining but still adequate risk-adjusted capital metrics, and conservative investment portfolio. Offsetting these positives are the deterioration in underwriting performance, product and geographic concentration, and catastrophe exposure and reinsurance dependence.

Factors that could positively impact the rating include sustained operating profitability, material organic surplus growth, reduced volatility and sustained improvement in loss reserve development trends at THP, improved underwriting leverage , or a favorable change in risk profile. Factors that could negatively impact the rating include weather events negatively impacting the balance sheet, continued underwriting losses, continued deterioration in underwriting leverage, significant negative variance to projections provided to KBRA, an inability to obtain reinsurance on acceptable terms and pricing, causing an increase in loss exposure, a reduction in the company’s ability to underwrite policies or a drag on earnings, a material decline in credit quality of the reinsurance panel and/or inability to collect on reinsurance causing a material adverse effect on operating results and overall financial condition, or an unfavorable change in risk profile.

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Further information on key credit considerations, sensitivity analyses that consider what factors can affect these credit ratings and how they could lead to an upgrade or a downgrade, and ESG factors (where they are a key driver behind the change to the credit rating or rating outlook) can be found in the full rating report referenced above.

A description of all substantially material sources that were used to prepare the credit rating and information on the methodology(ies) (inclusive of any material models and sensitivity analyses of the relevant key rating assumptions, as applicable) used in determining the credit rating is available in the Information Disclosure Form(s) located here.

Information on the meaning of each rating category can be located here.

Further disclosures relating to this rating action are available in the Information Disclosure Form(s) referenced above. Additional information regarding KBRA policies, methodologies, rating scales and disclosures are available at

About KBRA

Kroll Bond Rating Agency, LLC (KBRA) is a full-service credit rating agency registered with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission as an NRSRO. Kroll Bond Rating Agency Europe Limited is registered as a CRA with the European Securities and Markets Authority. Kroll Bond Rating Agency UK Limited is registered as a CRA with the UK Financial Conduct Authority. In addition, KBRA is designated as a designated rating organization by the Ontario Securities Commission for issuers of asset-backed securities to file a short form prospectus or shelf prospectus. KBRA is also recognized by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners as a Credit Rating Provider.

Doc ID: 1004705

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